Bi-State Program, Section 4.1 Assessing Human Health Risks. Sampling and Quality Assurance Plan.

Tetra Tech. September 16, 1994. Assessing human health risks from chemically contaminated fish in the lower Columbia River. Sampling and quality assurance/quality control plan. Prepared for Lower Columbia River Bi-State Committee. Tetra Tech, Inc., Redmond, WA. 41 pp. + appendix. (TC 9968-02).

Bi-State Program, Section 4.1 Assessing Human Health Risks. List of Evaluated Data Sets.

Tetra Tech. May 2, 1994. Assessing human health risks from chemically contaminated fish in the lower Columbia River. List of data sets to be evaluated for assessing fish consumption risks to humans. Prepared for Lower Columbia River Bi-State Program. Tetra Tech, Inc., Redmond, WA. 5 pp. + appendix. (TC 9968-01).


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Bi-State Program, Section 3.3.3 Mink and River Otter Study

Henny, C.J., R.A. Grove, and O.R. Hedstrom. February 11, 1996. A field evaluation of mink and river otter on the lower Columbia River and the influence of environmental contaminants. Prepared for Lower Columbia River Bi-State Water Quality Program. Forest and Ranaeland Ecosystems Science Center, National Biological Service, Corvallis, OR. 64 pp. + figures and tables.