Columbia River Estuary Conference 2025

2025 Columbia River Estuary Conference: 

Echoes of the Estuary – Reflections for a Resilient Future

May 13, 2025 • McMenamins Edgefield • Troutdale, Oregon

The theme of the 2025 Columbia River Estuary Conference (CREC) is Echoes of the Estuary – Reflections for a Resilient Future. This theme weaves the deep history of indigenous stewardship and use of the lower Columbia River ecosystem with present day research and resource management which is increasingly echoing indigenous knowledge. 

It has been 30 years since the lower Columbia River was designated an “estuary of national significance” and roughly the same since NOAA’s Pacific Ocean transect monitoring and indicators system was established. After so much investment in recovering the lower Columbia River and nearshore ocean ecosystem, CREC provides the opportunity to take stock of our efforts and results, to look forward and plan next steps to ensure a resilient future, and to reconnect with each other to seek out new ideas and collaborate. What have we accomplished as a region and what have we learned? Most importantly, how do we apply these lessons to our future actions?

Due to travel and purchasing restrictions on federal employees, this year's conference will be held within the Portland Metropolitan Area. It will be an all-day event with technical presentations, a poster session, and an evening social. 

An additional one-day gathering will be held in October, details TBA.

Thanks to 2025 Conference Sponsors

   Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership

Tillamook Estuaries Partnership           

 NANOOS        MacKay Sposito

Kilgren Water Resources