The Estuary Partnership Education Program builds environmental curiosity and knowledge, empowers citizens to make a difference in their communities, and fosters a personal connection to the lower Columbia River.
Our Educators:
- Deliver developmentally appropriate science lessons and field trips based on best teaching practices;
- Increase student understanding of local biodiversity, the inter-connectedness of all living things, and the unique role humans play in the environment;
- Provide safe, land and water-based opportunities for individuals to experience and explore their local watershed;
- Engage students and community members in hands-on stewardship;
- Ensure all students are valued, respected and included in our programs.
Check out this video produced by Sacajawea Elementary School students about our field trip together!
What teachers have to say:
"I loved getting to see some students shine in the outdoor experiences that may struggle to feel successful in a typical classroom activity. I saw confidence build in several of the students who were instant leaders in the activity who don't otherwise feel that way. I loved seeing students who do not spend very much time exploring or being outside transform from being nervous or "grossed out" by the activities to jumping right in by the final field trip."
- North Fork Elementary School teacher
"The field trip to Vancouver Lake was especially impactful. Afterwards, I had a few students who were making plans with their families to eradicate invasive blackberries in their neighborhood. Others mentioned that they didn't know all that Vancouver Lake had to offer and were planning trips to return with their families."
- Hough Elementary School teacher
"For many students, the first time they have been on the water was in the canoe in Ridgefield. One group have created their own bird watching club and are creating their own field guide. The impact of these experience will have a ripple effect that lasts a lifetime!"
- Columbia River Gorge Elementary School teacher