Columbia Estuary Data Development Program - Marine Mammals of the Columbia River Estuary

The Marine Mammal Investigations team of the Washington Game Department began an extensive research program in 1980 to document marine mammal populations of the region and document their relationship to fisheries of the area. The overall research program has received funding from multiple sources, including: National Marine Fisheries Service, the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission, the Columbia River Estuary Data Development Program (CREDDP) and the Washington Game Department. Material contained in this report represents a summary of the overall research results as they relate to the Columbia River and CREDDP task objectives. Special thanks is given to the other CREDDP tasks units (Fish, Birds, Mammals and Epibenthic Organisms) who provided data for use in analysis. 
Credit for completion of research tasks is due to the original project leaders, Robert Everitt and Rocky Beach. Additional credit for assistance in field activities and data analysis is given to the many other biologists and volunteers who participated in all aspects of this research.
Jeffries, Steven