Sneha Rao Manohar

Sneha Rao Manohar
Research Scientist III

Sneha joined the Estuary Partnership in the summer of 2019 and is currently a Research Scientist III. Her role with the partnership involves implementing and co-managing the Ecosystem Monitoring Program, the Action Effectiveness Monitoring Program, the CH4C project, and our Water Quality Monitoring program. She previously worked as an Environmental Consultant in Dubai, with a major focus on environmental permitting and marine projects. Sneha is interested in studying the ecosystem functions of the Columbia River Estuary. Her other endeavors include studying the effect of topography on blue carbon stores in seagrass beds of Zanzibar and building artificial reefs to aid the improvement of reef fish in UAE. Sneha holds an M.S. in marine science from Bangor University, UK.

Phone Number
(971) 380-3783
Email Address
snehar [at]