In 2020, the Estuary Partnership worked with ClackaCraft Drift Boats to treat runoff from their parking lot before it flowed into the nearby Clackamas River.

ClackaCraft Drift Boats is located on a busy state highway in a heavily developed area of Clackamas County.
As a boat business, they wanted to make a change to help water quality for the nearby Clackamas River. When the Estuary Partnership reached out about a retrofit for their parking lot, they jumped at the opportunity.
In 2020, with the help of designer Juncus Studio and crews from Verde Builds, we completed a 480 square foot rain garden along ClackaCraft's parking lot.
This retrofit will infiltrate stormwater from their building and parking lot to reduce the polluted runoff that flows into the Clackamas River.
The project was possible thanks to funding from the Clackamas County RiverHealth Stewardship Program.