My Dashboard

How to manage your site

Below are a few helpful details to help familiarize yourself with managing the site.  

  • Intro to your admin menu

    The dark gray menu at the top of the page provides various links to manage your site.  Below we have included details on the most relevant links.


    The shortcuts bare appears when you are logged in as a webmaster.   The shortcuts bar provides various links to management pages within the site.

    • Manage content - Click 'manage content' to view all content within the site. 
      • Add new content - Click 'add new content' and choose the type of content you wish to create.  If you aren't sure, click 'page'.
      • Edit content - You can filter the content in various ways to narrow down the results to find what you are looking for.  Click the title of the page to view the page, or click 'edit' to edit that page.
    • Manage main menu - Click 'manage main menu' in the shortcuts bar above.  This shows you all the links within the main menu.  The main menu includes the drop-down menu as well as the right-column menu that appears on some deeper pages within the site.
      • Add menu link - You can add a link by clicking 'add link on the 'manage main menu' page.  Or go to the page in the site that you want added to the menu and click 'edit'.  Then in the right column choose to 'provide a menu link'.  Type in the 'menu link title' and click 'save' at the bottom of the page.
      • Sort menu links - From the 'manage main menu' page you can drag-and-drop the menu links to change the order.  You can also indent menu links to make them sub-pages of another page.

    Your account

    Your username is listed to the right of shortcuts and search in the top menu bar.  Click your username to change your email address or password for your account.

  • Edit homepage sections

    The homepage is organized into a series of sections.  Follow the links below to edit each section.

  • Create rich layouts with page sections

    The body of each page can be enhanced by using a combination of page sections.  Learn more about the different types of page sections available for use in your site, and how to use them by visiting Page Section Examples.

Content types

The site includes several types of structured content.  Each Content Type has a has its own set of fields, and is organized and displayed in a unique way.  Below is a brief summary of each content type and relevant links to manage it.

  • Page
  • News
  • Staff and Board

    The Staff and Board page groups all staff and board members into different categories.  When you click on an individual person a popup appears with additional info about the person.

    • Create a new member - Go to 'manage content' and click 'add content'.  Choose 'staff and board member'.
    • Edit members - Go to 'manage content' and filter to show only the content type of 'staff and board member'.  Find the person you are looking for and click 'edit' to the right of their name.
    • Edit staff and board categories - Staff and board are organized into categories (e.g. 'executive team', 'honorary board member', etc).  Click here to view the list of categories.  On that page you can change the order that the categories are displayed by dragging and dropping.  You can also edit the name of each category.
    • Sort the people within categories - You can also choose the order that people appear within each group.  Click here to sort the people.  Note that there is a single sort order for all people.  Each group of people will be organized based on this list.
  • Funder
  • Our Work

    (This content type is coming soon)

  • Educational Resources
  • Resource
  • River species

    River species are organized into a 

  • Water Trail Locations