Lower Columbia Regional Habitat Restoration Inventory

As part of our CCMP, the Estuary Partnership tracks restoration and conservation activity that has occurred in the lower Columbia River and estuary and surrounding tributaries within our greater Study Area.  Since we began tracking in approximately 1999, nearly 100 regional partners have completed more than 280 projects that have protected and/or restored more than 35,000 acres.

While we do not have information on every single project, we have gathered a large amount of existing project information into a geodatabase, which can be accessed in the interactive map application below. Many of the projects shown here have been completed with funding from Bonneville Power Administration's (BPA's) Fish and Wildlife Program or the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, as part of the Columbia Estuary Ecosystem Restoration Program (CEERP). Most other projects shown in the map were funded by the State of Washington's Salmon Recovery Funding Board, or the State of Oregon's Watershed Enhancement Board

Projects shown on the map are symbolized using one of three categories: 

  • LCEP restoration: restoration projects that have been funded by the CEERP with funds passing through LCEP, and/or projects which have been sponsored by LCEP.
  • non-LCEP restoration: restoration projects which have not been sponsored by or had funds pass through LCEP.
  • protection only:  projects which involved land acquistion, easement or other form of protection only (no restoration). May be LCEP or non-LCEP.

Projects shown on the map have all been implemented to some degree. Some have been completed, with no additional plans for restoration, while others have had multiple phases of activity, with potentially more planned. These different phases are captured in a 'Project Phases' table, which is also part of the map and can be accessed in tabular form by selecting the 'Show Related Records' link from any project pop-up box.

Additional information about the project inventory can be accessed within the map by clicking on the information button.


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