Warrenton Marina

Launch Point

About this location

  • NOAA Chart
  • 18521

  • Water trail
    Columbia River
  • River Mile
  • 11

  • Restrooms
  • Yes

  • Parking Type
  • Day and Overnight

  • Parking Fee
  • $10.00/day (covers both parking and launch fee)

  • Tidal influence
  • Strong, but little effect on the launch

  • Launch Type
  • Launch Fees
  • $10 (covers both parking and launch fee)

Warrenton Marina is a busy commercial and recreational marina and boat launch close to downtown Warrenton. The marina isn't actually on the Columbia River, but in a sheltered waterway that makes up the greatly modified mouth of the Skipanon River. From the marina, it is a straight paddle out the Skipanon Waterway (watch for motorboats) to the western side of Young's Bay and the Columbia. The marina is equiped with nice restrooms, showers, and a fish cleaning station.

As a secondary paddle option, you can paddle up the Skipanon River from the marina, which requires a short portage around a tide gate. The Skipanan winds through residential Warrenton, and it is possible to paddle all the way to Cullaby Lake, 8 miles to the south.

Site owner
City of Warrenton


550 NE Harbor Pl.
Warrenton, OR 97146
United States

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