Past Columbia River Estuary Conference Presentations


2023 Columbia River Estuary Conference Presentations and Posters

2018 Columbia River Estuary Conference Presentations

2016 Columbia River Estuary Conference Presentations

2014 Columbia River Estuary Workshop Presentations

2012 Columbia River Estuary Conference Presentations
2012 Columbia River Estuary Conference Poster Abstracts

2010 Columbia River Estuary Conference Presentations
2010 Columbia River Estuary Conference Poster Abstracts

2008 Columbia River Estuary Conference Presentations

2012 Columbia River Estuary Conference Presentations
Session 1: ESA Listed Species Recovery

Session 2: Lessons from ecological restoration projects

Session 3: New understanding of the lower Columbia River ecosystem

Session 4: Innovative, new methods for understanding and predicting changes to the lower Columbia River ecosystem

#2012 Columbia River Estuary Conference Poster Abstracts


2010 Columbia River Estuary Conference Presentations
Introduction and Welcome:

Session 1 Adaptive Management in Lower Columbia River Estuary

Session 2: Strategy and Prioritization

Session 3:  Uncertainties Research

Session 4: Lessons from Ecological Restoration Projects

Session 5:  Adaptive Management Outside the Lower Columbia River Estuary

2010 Poster Abstracts:


2008 Columbia River Estuary Conference Presentations

Session 1: Restoration Planning and Implementation

Session 2: Uncertainties Research

Session 3: Wetlands and Flood Management

Session 4: Action Effectiveness Monitoring

Session 5: Management Implications